dO sOmEtHiNg 2DaY tHaT u HaVe NeVeR dOnE B4

Sunday, July 20, 2008

yesterday morning...i got my usual "hello/good morning" text messages....

well from a friend i was soon asked..."so what are you going to do today that you have never done before?"...and you know when i read it i thought to myself that that is a really good question. I had to work from 6AM to 10 PM so i was not sure what all i could do with in the walls of my job that is "new" or that "i have never done before"....needless to say at the end of the night i did indeed try a twin roll from a local Chinese place. it had shrimp and cream cheese in it. i had never had it before so does that count?

i also volunteered to stay late at work because as usual the census in the hospital was waaay too high for the amount of nurses that were there. so i said i would stay (until 10) so that i could help with lights and doctors orders and anything else despite the fact that i had to be at work this morning at i think that will count as well....

i have found myself enjoying and trying to get more out of each day...and i would have to say that i LOVE it....i just feel so joyful and extra happy. i do walk around with a smile on my face for no reason at all...because i feel blessed to just be able to get to see a new day.

my theory about people:

I have concluded that there are two types of ppl in the world...the spectator.....

.....or the spectator entertainer.....

i am the type of person to sit back and watch people in a new setting. some people show their claws a little too early. this is where i use those first impressions to figure out who i would like to associate with or to form my own opinions about different topics that are being discussed. it is not until later when i know the people very well (and i mean well) that i do not try to be more of an "entertainer" or just joke around more freely....some entertainers...that is all they do...they are the loud ppl that claim attention when they walk into a room and are always in the middle of any action going on. now the spectators are usually quiet and keep to the entertainers for a good giggle. i know its a random theory...i have just been thinking about it a little the past few days and thought i would share it.....but yea....

.........until next time........

oh im back...found this really good poem by

love is a struggle..a struggle to find the one you loved. NOT when u finally found that one.a struggle to get that one you loved to accompany you in ur life. NOT when finally u both walk together in a way.a struggle to keep the way that u both started to ride, even facing mountain or valley.because love is a processnot a startnot an endlove doesn’t have a finish don’t be afraid my doesn’t matter about the result which u’ll getthe value of love is in the doesn’t matter to get the perfect onebecause the value of love is loving un-perfect sideif u feel true, if u’re sure that u’ve find that one, then come on and get her..fight and struggle..whatever the threats are.....

0 ...CoMmEnTs...:

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