..TrAdE oFf...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

ok...now i know this is my 3rd post for today (i guess i had alot on my mind!!)
but i was still thinking....what is the trade off

the trade off in relationships...
the trade off at work...
the trade off with your friends....
the trade off in life....

i mean life is always about the comprimise right? .....or is it.....

i feel that some people comprise and give up more that the other....is that fair....
no its not, but that is how it is.WIth that being said i know that i have personally comprimised alot in my life...with my friends...family....relationships....
and in most cases i was the one giving back the most...only to get back only a fraction of what i put in.
and it just leaves you to ask....but why....
the answer.....i......i.....i honestly dont know.....

i feel that when i meet someone that i truly like. i want to make them happy. i want them to enjoy being around me...and in return i would hope that they would do the same. but in most recent cases i try...i give...i try...i give...i try....i give....and then eventually i may at some point get a little back.....

lets look at a sexual relationship...i fell that sometimes a guy may offer things emotionally....monetary.....or even random things to get what he wants.....sex....and the girl gives and gives to get what she wants.....the attention?  the possible thought of  "us"....the satisfaction of knowing they have someone but only for certain reasons/times....BUT WHY...porque.....

and for that answer i have....
and that is exactly what i am doing....
yes i hate to say that previous situations may have taken away from the next guy....but it is now time to look after me....LOOK AFTER YOURSELF....

i like to live and learn from what i have done in the past...or what i have seen other people do...and fail....and it is a good rule to follow.
Is it too much to ask for a guy to actually show interest....and him pursue me?
is it too much to ask for the guy to make all the moves....or actually text or call me....(when he says he will)
is it too much to ask that i go out on a real date...or even not be your "little secret"
or is it too much to ask for a guy who is done with the games and wants a good girl to be with....

there are alot of questions in this world....i know that all of them will not be answered....but i will continue to seek the truth....or at least seek someone who is true....to themselves....and most importantly....to me....

....................until next time...............

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