...2014: YOUR YEAR...

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I know that i am a few weeks late 

Happy 2014!

Each year people always ask "What are your New Years Resolutions?"
And to be honest i say that i do not have any!!
Each month i will make monthly goals that i would like to achieve.
Being a personal trainer i have learned that making all long term goals makes it hard for people to actually accomplish. 

YES: I do have year long goals BUT i also have monthly goals that i would like
to achieve.  My monthly goals help me to lead up to my yearly goals.

I am a very goal oriented person and i am always striving to reach the next level. I want to always push and challenge myself in all aspects of my life no matter what it is.

So my suggestion: Make a lot of mini goals.  Start with goals for today or even this week.  Once you can get those done work towards making monthly goals and then you can create a realistic yearly goals. 

Setting goals is all about making realistic goals.  Why set goals that you know you will not accomplish?  That sets you up to be discouraged and upset.  It is a vicious cycle that a lot of people are caught up in.

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1 ...CoMmEnTs...:

Sherms said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I like the idea of setting monthly goals. Not only does it seem easier to achieve but you get the opportunity to pat yourself on the back sooner. Or purchase a special reward!

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