...Wednesday Winter Wonderland...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

To all of you who are currently in warm...dry...sunny...cloud free locations, this is what i have had to deal with the past few days...

snow...snow...and MORE snow :-/

And this is EXACTLY why i say i HATE snow and can not wait to move someplace that will NOT see snow very often...

I ( and with the help of Mr. Awesome) have dug myself (and surrounding neighbors) out of the snow TWICE this week...oh did i mention is has NOT stopped snowing so i will probably have to shovel some more tomorrow?

The snow has caused the town to shut down which caused my gym to shut down :-/
I am THREE weeks from my competition! I can not take unexpected off days when i need to be working my butt off in the gym!

Lucky for me i improvised...hiking in the snow...great workout...
shoveling your drive way...your neighbors drive way...your best friends drive way...a great workout.  Yes my back and arms are feeling the burn, BUT i wish i was able to stick with my regular routine. *sigh*

Is it summer yet!?!? LoL

For those of you who are stuck with all this snow. Be safe, make sure you have your essential things at home...and make sure you have a good sturdy shovel to help dig your car out!

snow snow go away!! Dont EVER EVER EVER come back another day! LoL


...Instagram Hop!...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Welcome to Monday Instagram Hop! 

This week the co-host for the Instagram Hop is:
You can find her blog HERE

Ms. Kenzie has a darling blog and has the CUTEST son and dog that she shared pictures of on her instagram! 

Please feel free to take a second to go check out her blog...or Instasgram...or BOTH!

So here is your chance to reach out and meet some new people! Add YOUR Instagram name below and hop around to a few other! If you find a few that you like please feel free to follow them.  

This week I REQUEST (but you do not have 2 if you do not want 2! I can't/won't make you do anything that you do not want to do!!) that you go and follow me and my co-host via Instagram
After all...this is a Instagram hop! 

So...Ready...Set...GO HOP! :-)
Have a marvelous Monday!!

**P.S. Looking for Co-Host for this Instagram hop! So please contact me if you are interested!**

Place your Instagram usernames here to participate in the 
Instagram hop!
URL: http://instagram.com/username (Put your username in)
{Or if you use any other links like extragr.am or statigr.am}
Name: {YOUR INSTAGRAM NAME ex: @ms4composure}
(place the "@" sign in FRONT of your username!)
1. @caitemorgan  
2. @kenzie_smith89  
3. @stephylee00  
4. @nikmariec  
5. @eringray89  
6. @boomerbear  
7. @ms4composure  
8. @storiesofkel  
9. Kara Kieran  
10. @BrandiScarpelli  
11. @TheCraftySideOfSarcasm  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


...LoL Sunday...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Happy Sunday!!
Can you believe that February will be ending later this week!?
This month has FLOWN by!! 

I hope you all are having a fun and safe weekend!
To those in the path of these crazy snow storms be safe!
Stock up on the essentials!
Digging your car out of the snow is NO fun...that is why i have an awesome boyfriend that will do it for me! LoL j/k i helped FIVE people dig their cars out of their driveway this week!
Yes shoveling snow is for sure a good workout!

Well...without further delay...here are your LoL moments for this week!!
Hope that they make you smile :-)

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...Friday FITspiration...

Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy Friday!
Sorry guys! I thought I had this set to auto post this morning...WOOPS!
That just shows you how busy of a week i have had!!
Any who...
For those who are in the 2013 Snowpocolypse (Like me) Please be safe!
Stock up on the essentials and make sure to get a snow shovel!
We bought two :-) LoL

The gym was closed due to snow one day this week BUT i still got my workout in!  Minus shoveling my drive way (and helping a few of my neighbors clear theirs) i also did a mini ab/leg workout in my living room!
So even if the gym is closed...or hard to get to...you can still fit in a good heart racing workout!
What are some good exercises to do inside on those cold snowy days? 
Here are some suggestions!
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Happy HEALTHY Friday guys!
Stay warm, stay safe, stay FIT! :-)


...Happy Wednesday: Black History Month...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Wednesday guys!!
It is officially HUMP day which means the weekend is ALMOST here!!
So if you can make it through today you are that much closer to hopefully sleeping in and relaxing!

For those of my New Followers
(WELCOME to my blog! :-) I hope that you enjoy what i share and i hope that you will find time to come back and visit!!)

And I am not sure if everyone is aware that February = Black History Month!!
OK i know there are Latin heritage month, and other months dedicated to uplifting other cultures,
...but...i am African American so this is of course of my my FAVORITE months!!

About 5 years ago when i was in undergrad (yes i know that make me sound so old!!!)  i was bragging about black history month and a friend of mine challenged me.  He said "Stephanie, since you are so proud of black history month, tell me some Black History facts!"  Surprised...i was only able to tell him a handful of facts!! So from that day forward i made a promise to learn a NEW Black History Fact EACH day of February EVERY year. I also decided to share my knowledge with my friends, so all of my Facebook friends get a nice Black History Fact EVERYDAY during the month of February!  (If you don't believe me add me on Facebook and you can investigate my timeline activity! LoL)

I just think that it is SO important for EVERYONE to know how influential African American were to the creation of many of the things we are still able to use today!

Not to mention other influential things that African Americans were able to do while they were still slaves! I am a secret history buff so being able to research and find facts to share with everyone makes me SO  happy :-)

I know...i know...you are probably asking me "Stephanie, share some great Black History Facts with me!" Well here are just a few:

Benjamin Bradley, a slave, was employed at a printing office and later at the Annapolis Naval Academy. In the 1840s he developed a steam engine for a war ship. Unable to patent his work, he sold it and used the proceeds to purchase his freedom

In 1900, James Weldon Johnson wrote with his brother the song "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" on the occasion of Lincoln's birthday. The song became immensely popular in the black community and became known as the "Negro National Anthem.”

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams was born in Pennsylvania and attended medical school in Chicago, where he received his M.D. in 1883. He founded the Provident Hospital in Chicago in 1891, the oldest free-standing Black-owned hospital in the United States. Dr. Williams was also the only African-American in a group of 100 charter members of the American College of Surgeons in 1913

A tailor in New York City, Thomas L. Jennings is credited with being the first African American to hold a U.S. patent. The patent, which was issued in 1821, was for a dry cleaning process

Garrett Augustus Morgan invented a smoke hood in 1916 that he used to rescue several men trapped by an explosion in tunnels under Lake Erie. This invention was later refined by the U.S. Army into the gas mask, which was used to protect soldiers from chlorine fumes during World War I. He also invented an early version of a traffic signal that featured automated STOP and GO signs

The media made the Black Panthers notorious for their Afros, dark apparel, and willingness for armed self-defense, but their manifesto for change launched programs that benefited black communities nationwide, like free dental care, breakfast for low-income children, even drama classes

Cathay Williams was the one and only female Buffalo Soldier, posing as a man named William Cathay to enlist in the 38th infantry in 1866. She served for two years before a doctor discovered that she was a woman, leading to her discharge

Tice Davids, a runaway slave from Kentucky, was the inspiration for the first usage of the term “Underground Railroad.” When he swam across the Ohio River to freedom, his former owner assumed he’d drowned and told the local paper if Davids had escaped, he must have traveled on "an underground railroad." (Davids actually made it alive and well.)

I hope that i was able to teach you something new today (and educate you on a some Black History Facts!)
No matter what race you are you should know some important aspects of your heritage and what your ancestors did to allow you the life you have today!

Happy Wednesday!! 
Have a HAPPY and HEALTHY day! 



...Instagram Hop!...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Welcome to Monday Instagram Hop!

This week we have an amazing Co-Host for this instagram hop!
I would like you guys to meet Mrs. Tabb
You can find her on Instagram @mrstabb

If you have a few extra moments today please feel free to check out  her blog and her Instagram pix!
She is such an amazing mother, chef, and crafter!  She has so many interesting and informative things to share on her blog AND Instagram! Not to mention that ADORABLE baby girl of hers that she shares many pictures of!

So here is your chance to reach out and meet some new people! Add YOUR Instagram name below and hop around to a few other! If you find a few that you like please feel free to follow them.  

This week I REQUEST (but you do not have 2 if you do not want 2! I can't/won't make you do anything that you do not want to do!!) that you go and follow me and my co-host via Instagram
After all...this is a Instagram hop! 

So...Ready...Set...GO HOP! :-)
Have a marvelous Monday!!

**P.S. Looking for Co-Host for this Instagram hop! So please contact me if you are interested!**

Place your Instagram usernames here to participate in the 
Instagram hop!
URL: http://instagram.com/username (Put your username in)
{Or if you use any other links like extragr.am or statigr.am}
Name: {YOUR INSTAGRAM NAME ex: @ms4composure}
(place the "@" sign in FRONT of your username!)
1. @ms4composure  
2. @cocochevelle  
3. @marialipkin  
4. Emmy  
5. Elizabeth  
6. aliciaonemotherhen  
7. @MalloryCollinsWhitt  
8. @lilliesandsilk  
9. @beautyby_kh  
10. Ochi In The City  
11. @marina2204  
12. Lourdes  
13. @amy_cbandbp  
14. Save Green Being Green LINKY  
15. kendra kay  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


...LoL SuNdAy...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy Sunday!
BUT...Most importantly....Happy 50th Bday to Michel Jordan!!
One of basketballs GREATEST players!
I wish i could have seen him play live! But i guess that is what ESPN is for (they have been playing re-runs of old games alllll day!)

Well another week has come and gone
I hope that you all had a great week!
And i also hope that you guys had a great Valentines Day!
This week went by SO SLOW for me so i was very happy when Friday finally came!
This is the FIRST weekend i got to spend at home since i have gotten back from xmas break so i enjoyed getting to sleep in and just relax at home!

Without any further delay...here are your LoL moments for this week!
I hope they bring a smile to your face :-)

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...The anecdote of my life... - by Templates para novo blogger